Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Out of Our Hands

So, this past week was somewhat of a roller coaster. As you know, we recently finished up our paperwork and sent it immediately to Taiwan via FedEx. David and I were stuck like glue to the FedEx tracking page...we tracked our package non stop day and night....and finally it said DELIVERED on Tuesday! BUT, when I looked at the delivery city it was not Taitung City, rather it was Taipei City. My heart immediately stopped and shear panic took over. I called FedEx and they informed me that once it arrives in Taipei, it then has to be shipped by the Taiwanese postal service to its final destination and there is no way to track it from that point on.....WHAT?! Immediately I felt a sense of loss of control. How come this was not explained to us before...Don't they know these are the most important documents ever and they must get to Taitung City as soon as possible?! I quickly called David and informed him about all of this chaos. As usual, he was very reassuring and positive...I just love him for that! He is always my strength when I am weak and always knows just what to say. He told me "don't worry, our papers are being hand delivered by God and they will arrive safely." After hearing that, I was able to calm down and take a deep breath. I prayed and asked God to take my worries away, as I know He will take care of us. 

Wednesday morning came and I checked my email first thing...this has become the routine to the start of my days.  Our documents had arrived safely! It was probably about 530 in the morning when I was reading the email...but I instantly ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed to let David know. I was so overcome with excitement! And....attached in the email was a picture of JE and a video! He is growing so fast! What a joyful way to start the day :) Friday morning brought even more pictures and a update on JE from his check-up. He is now 10.5 lbs. and is 21.2 inches long. He is eating 4 ounces every 4 hours and loves to be held! This was the first email that contained information about him other that just pictures. It was so nice to hear about him growing and a little about his personality. We sent him his second care package last week as well and in it we included a recordable book that we were able to record our voices as we read it. We have read that this will help him to recognize our voices when we meet him. What a great idea! We also included disposable cameras and asked his nannies to take snapshots of him throughout the days....we plan on sending a couple with each care package so we can include these pictures in his baby book! His package should arrive on Monday or Tuesday.

What do we do now?! We wait! We are hoping that this week we will receive a court date for our first ruling. We are praying that this court date will be sometime in August! After the first ruling, we will have two more before we are able to travel. Please continue to be in prayer for  Jack Everett and those taking care of him and that the courts will move swiftly!



1 comment:

  1. I tried to post earlier, but for some reason...oh well, me and technology! I nodded and giggled through your entire blog and I am amazed at how much alike we are and how it sounds like God has blessed us both with very similar husbands who keep us grounded! So glad the Miller's and Williams' paths have crossed and that Amber Joy and Jack Everett have each other too until we get there!
